Thursday, April 15, 2010

Should I Write?

Should i write of fortunes past
or hopes and dreams
that didn't last?
Should i write of rain or snow
or souls that are buried
where the
wind doesn't blow?
Should i write of love's pain
or of my hurt and disgrace
or the friends
who disappeared before
my face?
Should i write words that
offer hope???
When i do not feel that way!
"I think not"


Remove the veil from your minds,
and heed the warnings in the messages concealed in the signs
of time.
For we surely will not get into
heaven seeking the gods we want.
The only way into heaven is by,
giving glory and appealing to the
one and only God we have.
God hates our licentious ways,
but he is willing to forgive us
if we turn from them and praise
his name.
We must hold-fast to our trust
and to our faith in Gods laws;
bt this we will never drift beyond
the realms of morality...

Friday, July 10, 2009


Love is by far the most powerful emotion.At the same time it is the most mysterious and difficult to control.Most people long for it,yet never invite it into their live's.Some love junkies get a taste of it and curve more than they can afford.This often prove's disastrous because,contray to what most say,love does cost.Love is the emotion that demand's all the attention and spotlight. Not answering love's call cause's it to wither and die,or worse shatter into piece's of rage,jealousy,hurt,anger,resentment and sometimes vengeance.Nurtured though,love is a many speical, and splendid thing. It can make an old man feel young and a young man feel like dancing. Real good love is like a favorite song that's alway's playing! And that love i want to share with a sweet some one....

Determination describes what it take's to survive in a cold, unforgiving world. Determination plus a gift is what it takes to flourish. The world is full of those who are determine to survive or merely exist, but those who flourish make a fortune on the back's of the so-called survivor's. It can be the hood, or the white house. No matter whatcircle's they travel in, those who flourish hold the gold, and make the rule's. The "Bible say's;" The meek shall inherit the earth". The question is though....What will be left of it when the ruler's are done????

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

We gave it our best, we gave it our most we could never bribe you or confide, You never dealt with us, you made us have doubts The biggest doubts in our minds that would speak to us in whispers. The hoax was to be calm and steady, grateful, instead it was un understanding and hateful We trusted you in a time of storm you left us hanging on to debt to let us be alone in a world like you. Your very most... \\ By A 13 year old young lady by the name of Mone't "Pumma" Jones

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Tribute To The Dynamic Mothers

For a loving mother to Nurture, care and love her child/children and raise him/her when you could have abandoned them. To be so (eloquently) designed we first have to give thanks to the creator. Being sculpted by God himself you are truly a blessing to (motherhood) and mankind. Oh Beautiful Queens of ours...

Its how I wish god could hold you in His loving arms and fill you with the love of His heart and forever proclaim to you his un denying love, salvation, and eternal devotion. Just as you did us...

To the loving mothers. God has said paradise is your choice and there's a very special garden where the flowers of motherhood grows. Its nurture by the kindness and concern that good mothers show. The seeds are the healthful deeds that you queens so glady do and love, laughter are the showers that strengthen and renew. And it offers tender promises that mothers joy will last its a place of peace and beauty where bright new dreams can start its motherly garden, and it blooms in the heart.

To the outstanding mothers this "moment" there lies a crown or righteous for you . As the old adage goes "I want you to shoot for the moon and if you miss I promise you will land on the stars"...

To the outstanding mothers I salute you all and

My Closest Friend

God knows that I try to be the best that I can be. It seems the more that I try , the more troubled water's flow beneath my feet. Sad-ness seems to be my closest friend; A lesson- learned is like sun-burn; I would do anything to be happy, to just for once have the tables turned.
At times I'm so courageous, but then there are times when I'm not.
My heart ponuds with fear, and this is when, then the tears began to drop. Sad-ness seems to be my closest friend;
I try desperatly to think of a place to just be free. But reality began to set-in and I think, there's only one place for me.
The people that I wrongly loved disappointed me in the worst way. To just be loved in-return is what I craved, but Sad-ness seems to be my closest friend;
Dear God, I pray with-in most humbleness submission for you to relieve me of this Sad-ness.
I know by praying to the creator Sad-ness no longer relies with in...
To my Closest friend....