Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Drug Program

Here in FCI Jesup Mr. Henry Brown has put together a program for the nonresidential drug class. I knew the impact I help cause in my hood so I decided to join him and help with the class.. Not being selfish, I thought of you and a way you can help your friends, family members, etc. By placing this on my Blog.

Week 1 Introduction
During the introduction we will touch on the purpose of the class and the various topics we will cover over a twelve week period.
WEEK 2 Defining Values
WEEK 3 Origin of Values
WEEK 4 Prioitizing our Values
WEEK 5 Blaming & Diversion
WEEK 6 Criminal lifestyles & Users
WEEK 7 Living with others
WEEK 8 Responsibilty
WEEK 9 Recovery Maintenance
WEEK10 Relapse Prevention
WEEK 11 Transition
WEEK 12 Staying true to our Values

WEEK 2 Defining Values
Group Discussion : What are Values ?

We will discuss way's of challenging our thinking errors and focus on what is a rational thought versus an irrational thought.
We will take words like Morals, Principles, Worth, Honesty, and Esteemed Characteristic, etcs, and break them down using Webster's dictionary as our base.
We will discuss individually how and what these word's mean to us, and why they are important in our lives.

Define the following word's:
1 Respect 2. Moral 3. Honesty 4. Worth 5. Responsibility 6. Principles 7. Esteemed Characteristic....

Give a brief reason why these values are important in our lives.....

Group Discussion: Where do our values come from?

In this session we will cover the sources of our values systems. Our sources can be our parents, Churches, Mosques, Schools, Friends, The streets, B.E.T., vh1 and even Telemundo.....
Although values can come from many different places, it is very important that we be true to ourseleves.

Group Discussion:
Putting the thing's most important to us first, and the thing's less important last.. Here is a list of thing's that should be first. God, Family, Job , wORK, Friends, CLOTHES, CAR, HOME, EDUCATION

This is a tactic that is used to keep us from looking at ourselves
Denial of responsibility: I WAS SET UP
Denial of harm to other's : HEY, I DIDN'T FORCE THEM TO USE DRUG'S, THEY CAME TO ME.
Appeal to higher purpose: I HAD BILL'S TO PAY

This session will focus on how we think our feelings and actions are a direct result of condition, or the world around us. For instance, we grew up in the slums so it's okay for you to act without morals or priniciples. It's alright for you to drop out of school. It's alright for us to sell and use drugs. It's alright to abondon our childern and family, and the community. It's alright to live a criminal lifestyle. From the time we were born we have been developing belief and perceptions and values. Based on the people who raised us, the so called friends we hung out with, the trap and street corners we grew up on, and the events we experienced, we developed a unique way of seeing and thinking about everything we experienced. This is how our criminal lifestyle got started and from there we developed certain criminal thinking errors that has help shaped our value system.
Make a list of your criminal payoffs-vs- your losses and setback.
Payoff -vs- costs
Lot of cash Broken family
Status Poor health
Luxury housing No values
Women/men Prison
Drug/Alchol Torn community
Power Lost of property

WEEK 7 Living with others
This session will focus on identifying and exploring family issues: How we deal with our childern, Women, Men and community at large. We will discuss how our values effect our relationships with other's and improving communication skills. We will look at the pain and harm we have caused in others, and those who care about us, and what we can do to make things right ( change our value system ) This session will use role playing and practice in actual situations.

WEEK 8 Resposibility
Own up to the damage you caused. Stand up and take responsibility for the ways you have hurt others. Quit making excuses and playing down the suffering you have caused. Make a responsibility statement and read it to class.

WEEK 9 Recovery Mainenance
In this class we will be placing emphasis on identifying individual relapse "Triggers".

WEEK 10 Relapse Prevention
This class will focus on developing a relapse prevention plan as well as initiating a balanced and healthy style of living. 1. Study and stay around positive pepole.
2. Avoid old friends, negative people, bars & clubs.
3. Stay focus and eliminate unhealthy behavior.

WEEK 11 Transition
This session will focus on re-entry into lives of our families, communities and employment related skills.

WEEK 12 Staying true to our values
In this class we will focus on everything that we have covered in the past 12 weeks and all of the things that we must do in order to stay on the right path to success.

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