Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Tribute To The Dynamic Mothers

For a loving mother to Nurture, care and love her child/children and raise him/her when you could have abandoned them. To be so (eloquently) designed we first have to give thanks to the creator. Being sculpted by God himself you are truly a blessing to (motherhood) and mankind. Oh Beautiful Queens of ours...

Its how I wish god could hold you in His loving arms and fill you with the love of His heart and forever proclaim to you his un denying love, salvation, and eternal devotion. Just as you did us...

To the loving mothers. God has said paradise is your choice and there's a very special garden where the flowers of motherhood grows. Its nurture by the kindness and concern that good mothers show. The seeds are the healthful deeds that you queens so glady do and love, laughter are the showers that strengthen and renew. And it offers tender promises that mothers joy will last its a place of peace and beauty where bright new dreams can start its motherly garden, and it blooms in the heart.

To the outstanding mothers this "moment" there lies a crown or righteous for you . As the old adage goes "I want you to shoot for the moon and if you miss I promise you will land on the stars"...

To the outstanding mothers I salute you all and

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