Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Unhappy in love? It's alway's our partner's fault. Ever hear anyone say "My Relationship is a mess and I'm the problem?"

Insensitivty, betrayal, abuse-- it's true that we human beings are capable of terrible behavior. And it hurts deeply to be mistreated by the person you expect to treat you best. But no one can take your peace or power unless you surrender it. No one's behavior makes you miserable for long unless you allow it too. It's not our lover's bad behavior that makes us crazy, but how we internalize and respond to it. It's time to awake from our fantasy; No one is perfect. We'll forever be disappointed in love if our emotions are tied to who we think our mate should be. But, the biggest mistake we make is in selecting our partners. Sometimes we accept as a lover a person we'd never have as a friend, or we don't recognize a divine-right partner whose packaging isn't bright and shiny; We forget that the gift is on the inside...

Terrance 'Gangsta' Williams


Cheerful said...

God is good. He'll Never let us down. I trust him to mold me and make me into the woman that completes the man for me. SUPER on the natural--SUPERNATURAL.
Much love to you, my son
Love, Other Mama Cheryl

teashaperine said...

some times you have to first find love and happiness within yourself before you can even start any process of love with any one.god will show you whats for you so dont look past whats in front of you for something thats not near you god bless!